The Kick-Start Manadoob Secret Connection Program is a social and emotional learning system developed for children ages 5-7 (grades K-2).  The Program is specifically designed for children whose reading and writing skills are in early developmental stages.  The Program is also exemplary in working with children who experience difficulty with reading and writing exercises.  The Program presents innovative learning experiences through the use of multiple crafts, role play with Manadoob costume hats, coloring, drawing, storybooks, stitching cards, charms, musical marches, stickers, an occupational therapy squeeze ball, and a specially designed puppet to interact in role play activities.  Using the Kick-Start Workbook and accompanying Facilitator’s Guide, teachers, facilitators and parents read to the children and take them through imaginative lessons.  Children are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings while helping develop problem solving skills, resilience, sense of responsibility and empathy to care for and help others.  The Kick-Start Program is a remarkable source of fun and learning.  The Manadoob stress basic values that are sometimes forgotten or overlooked in the high-speed, technology-based environment in which we live.

Kick-Start Workbook Sample Pages

(Click on sample pages to enlarge)